As of 2019, what is the safest city in the world, according to overall crime rates?
Correct answer: Tokyo

Player Say what!?
It has just been reported that Iceland, therefore also Reykjavik, is the safest country in the world.

Player Say what!?, No, just because a country is statistically the safest, doesn't follow that it's capital is also the safest.

lily 21, so sorry to hear that. In I 2000 lived in a place that had a huge influx of people from a country where crime was rife and the only way to survive. We had 3 or 4 years of high crime rates until those people seemed to discover they could work and earn more money and build a good life for themselves... and 3 or 4 years later most of them returned to their home country with enough money to live well. I hope your town may soon have a good outcome too and find its peace again.

yeah you can leave your wallet on a bar, go dancing and it'll be there when you get back.... love Tokyo!

Kiddienurse 84
Unless you’re concerned about earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, that is.

I was on a train in Japan once, and the conductor had to run through and he dropped a lot of coins... came back a few minutes later and all were returned to him.

Player: Coco
Iceland is very safe, but compared to other countries, the population is so low. This (relatively speaking) makes the homicide rate actually higher. So, Reykjavik is .9 per 100k whereas Tokyo is .4 per 100k.

Fun guy
and one of cleanest also apparently.

Player #113897
Player Say what!?, I heard their stats are due to lack of legitimate reporting

You'll have to experience living in.. or even visiting actually taste the culture up close & personal. It's an extremely safe...exciting and exotic country.
The tales of having lost items.. from my Personal experiences...
are TRUE!!

sweet candy 🍬
I thought it was Iceland

I remember myself and a friend were in a restaurant and someone was being disruptive. A section of the wall opened up and out matched 2 rows of fully armored police men/ women.
They surrounded the man, picked him up and rand back into the wall. All within 30 seconds. Craziest thing I ever witnessed.

Mujahid Mohideen R
Nice question and information.Interesting to learn though

Player #44667797
Player Say what!?, city not country

Player #30985573
Wrong question or wrong answer. I am sure that there are very small cities with lower rate, even 0 or close to 0.

No guns in the safe cities.

Player #14716751
SAC69, it's true. I keep seeing it as well.

Player #12861967
Player Say what!?, question was safest city

Player #2445394
Ha ha - not now !! How old are these questions ?

( Snail Darter)
millwallmarty, A little fear seems to add teeth and temper the laws....

Player #7515458
Player Say what!?, population no comparison

millwallmarty, sounds like it works?

Sonicgirl, good heavens, what does that say about the other cities in US? It sounds dangerous