Which insect dies after stinging a human?
Correct answer: Honey bee

Why is life so cruel for some poor animals

The Bees will try to guide you away from their hive and only sting when necessary

I've been stung twice and remember each like it was yesterday. Once when I was a kid while feeding pigs on my aunt's farm and then when I was an adult while driving ☹

Arohanui, I don't know for sure, but yellow jackets are pretty darn painful.

Player #38291957
Player #25874027, the bee is a very busy soul
and has no time for birth control.
that is why in times like these
there are so many sons of bees

Potato, rest of time,it's all honey

i've seen honeybees in their honey first if they were to hatch they are colored white and brown as they became adult

Rick-N-Bacher, Not true . bees
eating nectar pollons from flowers come for the sample
when you walk next to them
they target and prey when they
feel like it Instinct act like a
Boss* Talk Like a Boss*

toothless beachrat
I stepped on a bee and got stung when I was 5. It was painful as heck until my pops yanked out the stinger.

As long as they're not killer bees...

Vanessa, I was stung twice and ALWAYS there was barb left!

Arohanui, The bite of a giant centipede is much more painful, stated by those who have suffered, both.

Chinese use them as a acupuncture 😭

Player #12121185
Joe, have you ever played the game “Animal, Vegetable or Mineral”?
That’s what the world is made up of.
Bees are indeed insects . . . which are animals.

Player #32567393
Player #38291957,
Cozzy 25,
Haha! Good poem lol! 😎

Player #25874027
That’s unless they’ve got a good lawyer, then they are manslaughter bees

Do honey bees sting humans only? will they die if they sting other species?

Rai, I, also, have had 2 bee stings. At age 12 I stepped on a bee.
My foot was swollen and quite painful. I was to have dinner with a good friend (it was my 12th birthday). I didn't want to go but my mom made me. It was actually a surprise party.
The second sting was when I was 8 months pregnant. My arm was swollen 3 to 4 times it's normal size. After that I figured I best take care around bees!

Terry brown
I've never been sting

Arohanui, Especially a murder hornet. Or so I hear.