What is colza oil obtained from?
Correct answer: Rapeseed seeds

ZyggyStardust, Canola oil was developed from rapeseed in Canada. I worked in a Saskatchewan radio station in the late 1970s and early 80s and I remember hearing the daily stock report for grains citing "rape" at such-and-such a price for the day. I am so much happier now hearing about canola rather than rape.

Grown in Great Britain, too. Was there several years ago, and on a bus tour the guide seemed to delight in telling us about the rapeseed fields.

DSDA, called canola rather than rape, and the word is derived from the Canada Oil Corporation

Deborah , previous to the culture of rape for its seed, the golden-flowered fields of mustard were even more beautiful. Mustard seed was also used for its oil, very useful also in medicine

DSDA, I also remember hearing the daily reports as well.

Canola fields in bloom are a beautiful sight. I am also glad they use the name canola now instead of rape or rapeseed.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Rapeseed is terrible for causing hayfever.

full auto
I believe it is growen in Canada as well.