Which actors made up the trio in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"?
Correct answer: Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, and Lee Van Cleef

Awesome movie 👍

Player Meyer
Always enjoy watching it

Eastwood's minimalist vs. Wallach's theatrical acting made this movie great.

JezzerLX, yes, Ennio Morricone was a great film music composer.

great actors!!

Vote SNP
classic never tire watching.

I could watch Leone"s spaghetti westerns time and time again.

My father and I used to watch this all the time when I was growing up, use to whistle that theme song all the time! BTW Just saw Clint Eastwood and I Knew the answer

I was enjoying by watched in 1990

Player #8054428
when I saw the movie the first time I thought he was Mexican 🤣🤣🤣

little b
I've not heard of atggt5

this movie is my favorite! the theme song is my ring tone. my husband is so cool!

* Seshati *, the official sound track was a big hit in the late 60's.

Player #49699886
Good Western movie with the theme song which still rings in my head.

* Seshati *
Dorania, yes he was loved the mission soundtrack too

JezzerLX, I loved that too