Which creature is used for the symbol of medicine?
Correct answer: Snake

In the Bible the Israelites Moses led from bondage were being bit and poisoned by snakes and God had them erect a snake made from bronze so whoever looked upon it would not die.

i Am Not a Doctor, nor do I play one on T.V. but I knew they were Snakes but I did not why why. Thank you all.

The Caduceus, is what we have been told since College when in Medical School! Have never heard of what your trying to explain!

Redeemed Mr. V
Gary, not sure why so many thumbs down for this comment since God's instruction to Moses to make a staff with snake images on it that the Israelites could look upon for healing predates the examples given in the explanation.

Snakes. It had to be snakes.

Player #9442102
jblum315, I'd be out of the bed and out the door with my feet never touching the floor!

the caduceus is a symbol understood by anyone studying yoga. It's a depiction of the subtle energy system of humankind. The rod symbolises the spine and the "snakes" show the way the natural electro-magnetic energy of the body moves in a double helix movement around the spine. The points where they cross over on the spine are energy centres called chakras. The top one shown on the caduceus with the wings, represents the Ajna chakra, also known as 3rd eye or brow centre. The yogic system has further chakras above that.

Syn, same thing, different moniker. Like a hat and a chapeau. But....even then a double helix.

new info for me.thanks

RainDuty DustSprings
Thought snake symbol means bad luck, just like in bible

Not all snakes are venomous.We had a banana python who never bit anyone. he loved a bath. Unfortunately we lost him and I miss him.

Rush-hour. dontthink [f poisonous snakes in the Bible. Not all snakes are poisonous. We had one, a banana python who was very sweet. He never it any of us and he loved baths.

I thought snake is the symbol of poison....

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
I never knew that. Wouldn’t the bronze snake be like an idol? I wish you would answer me but I don’t know how. 😎

Player #598872
Syn, you are right , caduceus.!