Which photograph is called candid?
Correct answer: Captured without posing

my family and I used to like watching Candid Camera with Alan Funt and Derwood Kirby funny show.

some of the best pictures are candid photos I find

Player Elf Counsel
lily 21, Yes. Loved the show.

When we got married the best picture was taken by a friend who took it while we were talking to another photographer. In it we are totally relaxed and it's my favourite pic.

Davy, Livingston, Now you’re having to look up to see what is taking pictures around you!

Player #2512936
Alan Funt was great!

Player #14993519.
Davy, Livingston, Yep,,they could get into trouble for doing that today

K. aniket the quizman
my sis answered this question.