What was the name of Mariah Carey's husband from 1993 till 1997?
Correct answer: Tommy Mottola

It never ceases to amaze me, how many reasonably intelligent adult folks conduct their romantic lives as if they were still in middle school. They seem not to grasp the notion that love & commitent are serious matters & shouldn't be taken lightly. It seems they go in & out of relationships with no more concern than if they were changing a shirt. I just don't get it.

Diver Dan, the love of money is the root of all evil.

Diver Dan, Sure right, Mariah was I'm sure no fun to married too either, but Tommy's no fun either, he marries every new star he discovers.

Player #2302284
He was very controlling.

I'll bet the guy still celebrates every May 30 for leaving that whack-job diva!

Tommy Mattola lives down the road....

player one.five
...at least he was married less times than some president...

ChampionNymph37634, I am right there with you!

Player #4625271
Diver Dan,
That whole story and that's what you synthesized?