Which type of rabbit is in the picture?

Correct answer: The Angora rabbit

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What people think about it: 20 Comments
bee, horrible videos are all across the web. Their screams make one weep for future of humanity because of the greed driven cruelty we enflict on those we deem lesser beings.
VelourBanjoPlayer141, If only human selfishness didn't mean they have to suffer for their beauty. Please let people know angora sweaters are made from them having their fur ripped out wilst being tied down 😠😭
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
bee, thank you for mentioning this gosh I never knew how bloomin sad it’s also sad when I see sheep that have been roughly shawn bleeding a little & put out into the paddock without any cover after their wool is stolen. I mean it’s brutal, there should be a more loving relationship with expressed love & gratitude for what they give us .. it would be nice if this was the case for the seafood & meat industry. Giving the wee poor darlins the best life possible until their day has come .. but that takes too much heart, too much money, too much effort!
Player #32567393
Player #32567393
bee, Cozzy 25, I didn’t know that they were being treated so cruelly. I’ll never buy an angora jumper again. Thanks for the enlightenment. 😎
this is a beautiful rabbit .but I never knew they scream when being combed .
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lovely trivia
What kind? Very poor sad rabbit :(
At first I thought, "good, they're not being slaughtered for their fur." But I had no idea they were being treated so cruelly in the process of harvesting their fur! Then again, why should I be surprised, considering how horribly so many other defenseless animals are treated. Thanks to those of you pointed that out!
so sad and inhumane. Hope you enjoy a sweater that caused another living creature so much pain.
I figured out that it would be from a mountainous place
Melode, there is but this happens in other countries and made into clothes elsewhere then sold here. Since there is no way to know how and where this fur is harvested better to not buy any angora.
Uninitialized, they scream and cry when being plucked. Some actually just pluck the hair instead of shaving them. So very sad.
Player #107897503
Player #107897503
The rabbitts’ suffering is an uncomfortable truth. But don’t preach too loudly if you eat meat, fish or even plants, have any wood products in your house, including toilet paper, drive a car or heat your house with petroleum. All of this causes tremendous suffering to animals and plants. Philosophers for hundreds of years have argued plants are conscious, and now science has proven them right. Merely existing causes suffering. So let’s not get to self righteous.
I thought there was a law about cruelty to animals in this country. maybe they had better enforce it. I can't stand it when people do bad things to them like chinchillas or rabbits. they are defenseless .
A ball of fluff❤️
Player #32567393, I hope if everyone else STOP buying these poor animals pains.
Uninitialized, No it's not just combing. Heartless people cruelly pulling their fur while poor animals are being tied their feet
Such innocent animals are being tortured, tormented and also killed at the end, simply to rob their skins to make clothes for humans. Pure Evil..
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Grumpy Fossil, not that you will see this but just had to say ... just coz in your case you visited a place that was more humane does not mean it’s the case everywhere.
VelourBanjoPlayer141, noticed I made grammar error. The bunnies having fur pulled.