What is CCD in relation to honey bees?
Correct answer: Colony Collapse Disorder
when the bees go, so do we 🙁🤧
i think there a whole host of factors at play here, climate change due to environmental and human intervention changes, ecosystem changes, atmospheric toxins etc.
Player Ejag
There is another kind of bee called a Mason Bee which doesn’t hive but is solitary and does pollinate. They are fascinating—I encourage you to look them up! Unfortunately, they can also be killed by insecticide spraying.
Becca Sue, whoever invented "auto correct" can go to hello! 😁
* Seshati *
I love watching bees buzzing about collecting their pollen for their hive. Pollinators come in may forms not just bees & all are an important part of our world. Don’t use pesticides, fungicides or even herbicides if you can .. we are made up of similar biological structures it can effect human health to let alone as environmental repercussions. Use the beneficial insects methods if & where possible, nature is sacred.
great info here. seriously hope we can figure this problem out.
Player #10639782
let's take care of the bees
crop dusting with pesticides. It Is so obvious
Player #27149342 pixie
heavy use of nicotinoids as bug killer has been said to contribute to reduction in bee populations too.
If you want to encourage bees in your garden, plant herbs or anything that goes to flower quickly e.g. Greek basil. I've let it flower and tonnes of bees go there everyday. If we all had just one plant, imagine how beneficial it would be in bringing them back. Let's do it!
Mars V
I remember CCD from Catholic grade school. That was the public school kids who would come after school for religion class and steal stuff out of our desks.
Player #117516039
VividPotion6704,Have a word with the big chemical companies who produce the pesticides that have been shown to be deadly for bees and the policies that continue to allow their use.
Lucy Lu
Player Ejag, I looked them up, very interesting!
Tess, Man is man's worst enemy.
Guessed the right answer, then changed my mind and picked the wrong answer
Wasps can kill 100 bees each. Also, beet juice in road salt brine gets into the plants.
Kiwi Bird
Tess, true! We leave certain parts of our lawn unmown as well, plenty of bees around the clover and other wildflowers
Monsanto 😡
"Loosing" crops? Losing!!!
I only knew this from watching Elementary with Sherlock Holmes lol
Save the beautiful bees !
VividPotion6704, history contains no heroic pessimists
teebee303, I knew somebody had to do this 🙄
Pollinate with bubbles are what they're trying now.
Player #27149342 pixie
MadMarcus1812, use of nicotinoids is named as one of the factors destroying bee colonies.
err, "loosing"..? *smacks head* :/
Player #15674871
Save the native bees! But maybe it's too late 😢🐝
Player Alexandra
Player #3220410
Player Cosmo Chic, mono crops
Player #11852128
They must've run off with a brand new queen!!!🐝😂🐝
I like Bees
who killed the beesthat really sucks I have a beehive under my front porch I think that the Wasps took over
Losing, not loosing.
VividPotion6704, yep!