In which Looney Tunes animated cartoon does Wile E. Coyote speak for the first time?
Correct answer: Operation: Rabbit

I enjoyed Bugs Bunny, Wile E. Coyote and their cohorts much more than Mickey Mouse and all his simpering pals from Disney as a kid.

I grew up on Looney Tunes cartoons and all the rest. They were excellent cartoons as well.

Player-T G 3503313
A classic
📸 FlashPony714
" Are you in genius...?" is my favourite line.

Why can't we love both Looney Tunes and Disney?

Player #4174035
DSDA, Warner Bros are like the Marvel counterpart to Disney's DC-like characters. Whereas Mickey Mouse and his gang were generally either paragons of virtue or just plain evil, Bugs and his crew were much more varied shades of gray. Kind of ironic that Disney owns Marvel now.

new info for me.thanks

DSDA, loved looney toons and woody woodpecker.

I enjoyed it!

Player #4174035, Warner Bros and DC are also both owned by the same company.

DSDA, me too