People with what hair color have a mutation in a gene called MC1R?
Correct answer: Red

Player #10135677
GremChild74, I think red hair is beautiful. My poor mother and most of her siblings were redheads. When she was young, in the 1920's she was ridiculed because of her red hair. She was called carrot top and the kids would chant I'd rather be dead than have red on my head. I'm glad times have changed. My brown haired daughter mostly dated red haired men and eventually married one.

Interesting insight. I have 2 red headed children and two red headed grandchildren. Red heads are sensitive.

Player Nanny B
GremChild74, my daughter,who is flaming red had had issues with anesthesia. have heard it is common for red heads

Player Nanny B,
Being a Red head myself, I can attest to hypersensitivity on a lot of medical issues including waking up during a surgery !!!

Red hair (all shades) is beautiful!!

Player Nanny B, I'm a redhead and had to have triple the normal dose of local anesthetic for my root canal

I'm a redhead too - when I was young my hair was the colour of a carrot - I was called orange jelly, jelly peel, brass neck - and thanks to a snarky school prefect - I was also called a ginger headed water rat!! On the plus side - he's now bald 😂😂

Rupert F
Jo, it certainly does we have red, ginger, auburn, strawberry blond and every other shade

Player HDRider
I have always loved girls and later women with red hair. I love everything about them. They are different in many ways. You may think this is stereotyping but I'm going on double blind testing. 🥰

Player #10416048, Auburn is just one shade. Red is used as a collective

skin cancer and sun burn quickly

little b
i dont have red hair,😅

lildawn, my dad has black hair but red beard. i get my red head from him

Player #9442102, im a natural red head and was approached in a store one time to ask what color dye i used. i had to laugh

tessdoust, im the same way and a red head

Player #10135677, having red hair myself until I was 13. Hated it and still do. I bleached it for many years. Red hair is ugly.

jo, my son was born a blond with red on the top of his head. His hair fell out and he had a great red beard.


Maisie, that he's now bald made me laugh out loud. thanks for the smile.

My mums granddad had red hair and was locally known as “Red Mick” his name was Michael

I have 3 children - 2 with red hair :)

Player #10135677, I have 3 red headed stepchildren and I couldn't love them more💕

Love my redhead and auburn head grandsons!

emma b, my sister is a beautiful redhead, I am blonde. Her 3 children are blonde, and my 2 both have red hair. My late husband's aunt's told me when my son was born, don't worry, the red will change. Made me só mad, my redheads are beautiful.

Also to when naturally redheads going to having surgery they are harder to put under they require more anesthesia.

Maisie, 😂😂😂😂 brilliant!!

On my (Scottish) grandmother's side of the family, she was one of nine children - the six girls had brown hair and the three boys had red hair.
As for name-calling, some folks will verbally attack any minority that is different to themselves...

Player #54426926
Syn, me also on both hip replacement

Maisie, I really did laugh at the bald punchline. brilliant story. Be red and proud. shake that red hair all about ☆☆☆

There? the relatives on my moms side had red hair of one shade or another. My aunt also had light red hair and was beautiful. I always envied her.

emma b, I also am a blue eyed redhead. I also didn't want my children having red hair, and all 3 are not. Now I wish my daughter had gotten my hair but not the boys!

Player #10135677, i also went through the name callings in the 1960's. same as your mom.

Cynthia Reynolds
Syn, omgosh! I woke while having a hip replacement about 10 years ago. One thing is certain about redheads, of which I have a daughter, they are hard headed and have a great tolerance for pain.

Player #47332093
* Seshati *, Red hair is a mutated gene. Both parents have to carry it, but neither has to redheads.

GremChild74, Those with red hair generally have very little melanin in their skin; less than any other type. The amount there is generally as freckles, so redhead's generally have to protect themselves from the sun and are more susceptible to sunstroke. Scotland has a higher proportion of redheads. Sunstroke there isn't a common problem. Red hair is lovely...I have to dye mine to get that colour!

I find that SOMETIMES (this is rare) if one parent has brown hair and the other is blond they might have a child with red hair!

emma b
guess I'm one of the lucky unicorns of the hair and blue eyes is the rarest combination but it took me until now (in my 40's) to appreciate it. Had 3 children, 1 was dark to almost black hair and my 2 boys were white blonde. I took a lot of flack when younger which is why I never wanted my kids to inherit my colour 😞

Player Nanny B, I've had to stop dental and medical procedures because I could still feel pain.

I am proud to have natural red hair. I have also heard that pain receptors for red heads is low. I must be blessed then, I have a particularly high threshold for pain. All three children no pain relief whatsoever. 🤗

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Prince Harry has red hair & a red beard & I reckon it suits him down to the ground. He’s a very attractive man. 😎