"Blighty" is the nickname of which European country?
Correct answer: Great Britain

Player #8297262
like a lot of British military slang, it came from India. the Urdu word bilāyatī meaning foreign, was mis pronounced as Blighty. originally it referred to England specifically.

When will they understand Great Britain is not a country.

Cha Cha
Player Freewoman, Hi, Great Britain or GB is a nation of 3 countries: England, Scotland and Wales. The United Kingdom or UK, also a nation, is made up of Great Britain AND Northern Ireland which makes 4 countries

Player #17656923
Player Freewoman, actually Britain is three countries - England, Wales and Scotland. It is the UK that is four

Player Elf Counsel
Beelzebubba, Wonderful war poet. He was very bitter at the waste of life in WWI.

Player #9442102
Player Freewoman, reread the clue . it's a tremendous used to describe Great Britain namely England part of Great Britain!

Player #17656923, Britain is England and Wales. Great Britain is Scotland, England, and Wales. Britannia was the Roman name for England and Wales, Caledonia was the name for Scotland, that is where it derives from.

Dieu linh
Qua la tot bunh

SurestBirthplace2, forgive us, for we know not what we do.

34 years in England and I have never heard of that term. You learn something new everyday!

Joey2407, can you say Harry Potter?

devil 450
super 👍

devil 450
Player Freewoman, mm

Player #8297262, interesting info.

Player #8297262, are u from India?

, wow

Player #9442102
SurestBirthplace2, reread the clue.

Oh Blimey