In "Star Wars", which planet is home to Chewbacca and the Wookiees?
Correct answer: Kashyyyk

Yay ! Still keeping my record of getting every Star Wars question wrong !

I do prefer the old films better. I never saw Star wars episode 4 when it first came out. I was 10 and did lots of other wholesome things ,like playing out on my bike, climbing trees and getting stung by Bees. Only got interested in the Empire strikes back in 1980. Watch that first,then when Star wars came out again, i watched Star wars and Empire as a double feature. Good value for money. Just can't really get into anything new in the star wars franchise. Just far too many Light saber fights and over the top special effects. There's no stop motion work now ,just a load of people working on Computers in a sterile environment. But what the hey, people still love the films.