What was the relaxing of tensions during the Cold War called?

Correct answer: Détente

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What people think about it: 11 Comments
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
Reagan hated this word. He repeatedly emphasized to his staff that the word meant "acceptance." And acceptance to him was immoral that the West could enjoy their prosperity and newfound freedoms while hundreds of millions of their eastern European brothers and sisters were languishing under totalitarian regimes. So he wrote a defense check so big that the USSR went broke trying to keep up.
Miss Sue
Miss Sue
Player #9328681, Long ago, in another age it was bandied about constantly.
Player #12826598
Player #12826598
Player #9328681, that would be the french...given that it is a french word...
Dum dum
Dum dum
darnit I was thinking of the spice, like salt and pepper
Player #11641079
Player #11641079
808stevan1, yes
vivid imagination
vivid imagination
why is there a Chinese flag when it was between USA and USSR?
Player #9328681
Player #9328681
who uses this word?
Player #12384252
Player #12384252
Good history
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty... No one???
Got it wrong but great info. Never knew.I
Guessed haha