What is the name given to the spot in Massachusetts where the Pilgrims are said to have landed?
Correct answer: Plymouth Rock

Player #4250921
Interpreters do more than just tell visitors about history and answer questions. They help visitors understand the significance and meanings of our historical resources and why the stories of our heritage still have relevance to our modern society.

Hoolie, Everyone in the U.S. doesn't know everything about other places either. This is a good place to learn things we don't already know and to find out how other people think and live.

Player #20136064
Hoolie, I don't mean to be mean either but I don't live in France and yet I am answering questions about Paris

love this game !!! my favorite game to.play !!!!

Tina M., yeah, when my husband and I went we could have been knocked over by a baby bird feather at the size! I was expecting a rock like on that insurance commercial!

Tina M.
Player #2102964, I, too, was shocked at how tiny Plymouth Rock is!

Hoolie, that's why it's called trivia.

Player #8553765
I Live In Plymouth PA

Plymouth Rock was recently vandalized in February 2020. (red spray paint) has since been restored.

Player #2102964
When there 15 years ago I was sickened. It’s just a tiny “boulder “ about a foot high in an iron enclosure a couple of yards square, covered in garbage and graffiti.

Home, sweet, home.

Player #5344198
lily 21, I did, as well. what an eye opener!

If you went to grade school you know this answer!!