Which of these two things can't humans do at the same time?
Correct answer: Breathe and swallow

Or then we aspirate, because we try to do both at the same time.

I find this very interesting and I got the right answer. had to think about it a minute but it was all that made sense!!

Player Elf Counsel
ChewyGazelle68623, I did a few hours ago and almost choked.

Player #97184361
Gary, This is true as I suffer with allergies constantly thru all seasons and the experiences proved swallowing and breathing the same time is difficult.

So infants are therefore not human if logic is applied to the question ??😅

Don't try this xD

Maestro13, yup. it seems to have become a very real problem for me in the last 2 years. I have to say that I never gave this much thought. As a Catholic who went to a parochial school, I learned evolution was not correct. However, I would hope by now that the church has been educated by a steady increase in scientific explorations.

My kids nursed a long time past 9 months, WHO recommend breastfeeding for at least 2 years (supplemented with other foods from about 6 months), and the worldwide average weaning age is about 4 years. Therefore, regardless of what happens with infant voiceboxes, it seems more likely that kids alternate breathing and swallowing while nursing, just as anyone does while eating.

breathing and swallowing leads to choking.

Kiddienurse 84
Newborn infants in fact can do both at the same time. That’s how they can suckle and breathe simultaneously. They lose that ability within a few months and are unable to do so for the rest of their lives.