Which US president favored Jelly Belly jelly beans?
Correct answer: Ronald Reagan

Player Meyer
Last*in*line, Reagan cleaned up the mess caused by Carter. Including gas shortages, interest rates of 18%, runaway inflation, high unemployment, our hostages being held by Iran, etc. He also pushed the Soviet Union to tear down the wall separating East and West Germany. Our debt didn’t cripple anybody

Ethan Simmons
Ready in peace Mr. President. America is in dire need of a president like you again. America was the closest we've been in a long time with you as our president. Godspeed sir.

This question reminded me of my childhood. Good memories... Knew nothing about politics, just being a kid. Good stuff

He had a large jar of jelly beans on his desk in Sacramento

Player Meyer, yes, I think he did a good job.

Player Meyer, clintons booming economy was iherited from R.R. i hope this happens in present day.

it's jelly belly

Player #12378390
My kids grandpa was brothers with Ronald Regan.

Player Meyer, I know you are a Republican, gas shortages WERE under Nixon. Reagan gave the wealthy a tax break OF 55% which has lead to a 22 trillion dollar debt WHICH BY the way is increasing exponentially under Mr Trump

I think he believed-we're not alone

craftmaker76, as is your humor