Who painted "The Starry Night"?
Correct answer: Vincent van Gogh

Player Meyer
Great artist! You can see his troubled soul in the sky of this painting

Alas,the fine line between Genius and Insanity!

My favorite artist.

UnopposedYogi27101, the song is a master piece in its self. Beautiful song

millwallmarty, a six-year-old couldn't have painted that, nor could you.

Player #20136064
UnopposedYogi27101, The name of the song is actually "Vincent". Common misconception

Player #8737205
UnopposedYogi27101, i love that song by Don mcclean so 😢

I love that song by Don mclean it's the best it's so very sad it's about Vincent van Gogh

Player #36146084
the Doctor Who episode(s) of him were awesome and heartwarming

UnopposedYogi27101, love this painting!!

loneliness, credit goes to taehyung bts

Player #126074658, i love that painting!

Player #126074658
I love that painting!

Player #122966166
Tony, Jimi Hendrix did not commit suicide. he accidentally overdosed

Vincent van Gogh was bipolar and left handed. So we're Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain. All three of them took their own lives too young.
Vincent only sold a few pieces of his art during his lifetime and considered himself a failure. Now many of his works sell for millions.

UnopposedYogi27101, 💯 ! my favourite song ❤️

CupKate 24
He was the GREATEST artist in the world!

My favorite art picture 🖼 was so excitement 💓 gives my heart emotional.

Md. Hanif Rayhan
one of my favourite

Player Bengal Mama
Player #21374632, Children sometimes capture the essence of art better than any adult. My friends son in kindergarten used chalk and paper to make the most gorgeous pansy. She has it framed and on her living room wall. Nobody believes it was done by a five year old and he's never done anything else. Seems embarrassed to be praised for it.

my report last semester 😁

Player #60298071
Kinda hard to get it wrong when the show I'm watching on TV shows a picture of it right before I get this question. A little freaky.

Starry Night is such a famous painting. And it's beautiful! 🥰

* Seshati *, I love Shane and Ryan! The looks that Shane gives Ryan every time he says Aliens!🤣🤣🤣

Player #1081396
UnopposedYogi27101, actually, the song is titled "Vincent", but opens with the lines starry, starry night.

My favourite artist 😍

Ms. Wilkie
Player #36146084, season 5. The best.

It Reminds me of Late Sushant Singh Rajput , may his soul rest in peace

it reminds me of Late Shushant Singh Rajput who also committed suicide and his Twitter wall has this painting at his last times.

Player #31595349
Vincent is the song title

Kind of spooky.

Flower Lady
Radakyl, and how much genius has been produced by the 'insane'? Also much fantastic art had been produced while the artist was "high".

I know what the picture looks like but I did not know who created it

gacha animal crossing
people say it is a optical olshon

* Seshati *
kakapo, yeah heard this also I think there’s new info on this maybe not so new hmm not sure. Watch Unsolved on YouTube with Shane & Ryan lol they’re a laugh a minute those two & it’s an informing show too. They discuss the Van Gogh case in-depth.

Tiki #179895
Starry starry night is a song, starry night is a creative piece of artwork.

My guitar strap, and a few of my picks feature this particular work of art. My mother's top favorite artist.