When does winter begin in Australia?

Correct answer: June

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
Player AutumnWind33, It can drop sharply in Melbourne. We used to say we got four seasons in a day. Not here in Queensland though. just hot all day. Love it.
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Scottish Fraulein, gosh your a meany with this framer stuff I’ve seen many of your comments now. Speaking for myself my phone auto corrects I try to proof read before posting but sometimes I don’t see so I often get many typos .. it might be the same for others here. Just a wee thought is all.
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Scottish Fraulein, see case & point I said grammar my phone changed it to framer .. peeps prob don’t know what I’m saying lol due to all my typos lol I hate em .. but they happen.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
* Seshati *, A cardinal, a bishop, and a rabbit were walking along the road. The rabbit said “ I think I’m a typo!”
Player #4663779
Player #4663779
Player AutumnWind33, how is that strange