Which dog breed is in the picture?
Correct answer: Akita

Every now & then a person has a dog that everyone knows is that person's dog. My daughter had an Akita & their reputation for loyalty is not an exaggeration. I was always leery about him being around the grandbabies but he let them lay on him & crawl all over him. I don't know what ever would have happened if someone threatened his family but it probably would not have been pretty.

I had an akita French mastiff mix. very family oriented very protective. she would not accept any strangers. would not play fetch either.except for her size she looked like an akita.0ne night she came over to my husband and greeted him all smiles then layed down at my feet and died. We were heart broken.

They are also responsible for numerous deaths and maulings both of humans and especially other dogs to such an extent that they are a banned breed in some places in the USA and UK. They have killed several people in Australia. Do your research diligently if you are considering one.

Player #14726228
that's a Shiba Inu

I don't think that's an Akita I think that's a Shiba Inu.

mitch, In the UK they have a reputation for killing people's beloved pet cats.

toothless beachrat
I'm a little surprised that nobody has mentioned how powerful they are. My family raised pit bulls in the 70's, and that's when I learned that an Akita could overtake a pit bull.

Snappy Dragon
mitch, two akitas killed my rescue dog on Christmas Day - watch these dogs if they are your neighbours animals. They changed my life forever :(

SaltyWillOWisp96651, my brother has always had dogs. No matter the breed, it was easy to know they were his. Nice to see as he never laid a hand on or yelled at his dogs. Total love and devotion. Many call him a dog whisperer. He also is a dog handler for military. That dog loves the grandkids and children. Goes by my brother’s words, actions, or feelings about adults. He is one whose dogs are family and many could learn from.

Player #3093136
SaltyWillOWisp96651, Akira although big and athletic and loud barking at everything, they are known for being docile and not aggressive. they are also big scaredy cats.

starjumper, that's so sad.

knew the answer cos I watched Hachiko so many times with my eldest daughter when she was a kid.

Degenerate, Me too!

Ginger, it is, you might think of American Akita. they are different

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
I love these dogs. so smart. I had 2. 1 could say hello. the other one was more woowah ha ha
Y.N.W.A. JFT96

SaltyWillOWisp96651, very true! My husband had an Akita when we started dating. He raised Kiji from a pup. We couldn't take him when we first moved, were going to get settled then send for him. But he had an accident and never made it up here. My husband was heartbroken. Such a loving, loyal dog.

Kathleen Wright
lily 21, I own that movie, I love it that much. ;)