How many lines does a limerick have?

Correct answer: 5 lines

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What people think about it: 16 Comments
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
I remember this limerick from the "Andy Griffith Show". There once was a deputy named Fife. He carried a gun and a knife. His gun is all dusty And his knife is all rusty 'Cuz he never caught a crook in his life.
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
JezzerLX, Nor does it scan. One I love is... There was a young lady from Streatham Said, Give me those bulbs, Jane, I'll set em. Cried Jane in dismay, Bulbs did you say? I thought they was onions. I've et em.
There was an odd fellow named Gus, When travelling he made such a fuss. He was banned from the train, Not allowed on a plane, And now travels only by bus...
Player #15578212
Player #15578212
Player #13131788, The boy stood on the burning deck his feet were full of blisters. when he jumped aloft his pants flew off and he had to wear his sister's.
Player #13131788
Player #13131788
The boy stood on the burning deck His heart was all a quiver He gave a cough His leg fell off And floated down the river
Player #8784512
Player #8784512
Arohanui, It's Irish. The celts are a humorous bunch. Limerick is an area of Ireland.
Oi Doughnut
Oi Doughnut
Davey Crockett Went up in a rocket The rocket went ‘bang’ His balls went ‘clang’ And he found his thing in his pocket
there was a young man called Wyatt whose voice grew incredibly quiet and then one day it faded away ....
Ray Mission
Ray Mission
There once was a girl named Bright who moved with the speed of light She went out one day, In a relative way And came back the previous night...
Yknip 7
Yknip 7
There was a young lady named Harris Whom nothing could ever embarrass 'Til the bath salts she shook In the bath that she took Turned out to be plaster of Paris!
Player #19578818
Player #19578818
Laudy Miss Claudy, just saw that recently :-)
Player #19497896 Audrey
Player #19497896 Audrey
Player #8784512, I grew up in Limerick.
JR. Gee
JR. Gee
interesting poem
Player #9914179
Player #9914179
Ogden Nash wrote great limericks.
Player #9914179
Player #9914179
as I was going up the stairs, I saw a man who wasn't there, he wasn't there again today I wish iwish he'd stay away!
Player #9679719
Player #9679719
Laudy Miss Claudy, was on this morning on sundance network .