Who was James Dean's leading lady in "Rebel Without a Cause"?
Correct answer: Natalie Wood

When is Robert Wagner gonna come clean about her death and what he knows??

What a beauty! And so talented. Such a tragedy she died so young.

Roberta Ann
Gary - I think Robert Wagner is going to take that to his grave. But I do think he's guilty.

one of my favorite movies Rebel without a cause. Natalie Wood is a great actress loved her in all her movies. sad she died the way she did. RIP Natlie.

VelourBanjoPlayer141, this property is condemned great movie she was great in it

yes Natlie Wood was in West Side Story another great movie.

Player #113165
VelourBanjoPlayer141, it was Christopher Walken not Walden

Gary, Uh, Hmm. Probably NEVER. Would you?

Alan M
I know the deputy coroner who worked on her body.
My friend definitely thinks it was a murder

Player #18000004
Player #54752051, I don't think I would call it murder. I do feel he knows more than he is saying. Maybe manslaughter? When she died, I was so surprised how distraught I was. Maybe because I had grown up in her heyday since she was 4 - 5 years older than I and I had been told all my life that I looked like her. As an adult, I had been mistaken for her. so, I guess I had a special spot in my heart for her. As a result, I no longer watch "Hart to Hart reruns.

Player #30153190, None of us can laugh forever..

Player #18000004, I took have been told so many times I was her look alike in my childhood days ! What happened to me ??? 😂

Roberta Ann, Guilty of something...

Gary, karma!

She had one child with Wagner and one child with her second husband. And I don’t believe he killed her. They were both drunk. They had a fight, he went off to bed, and she decided to leave the yacht by getting in the dinghy. But fell in the water instead.

Player #9395618
Gary, he's not looking well. He'll be judged soon.

One of the best movie's they were in.

Player #30153190
Roberta, I too think he killed Natalie. Just watch that constant smirk on NCIS. He’s laughing at the world.

Player #43975836
Was she in Westside Story?