In which year did the U.S. Senate 'Watergate Committee' begin its hearings?
Correct answer: 1973

petty compared to crimes of recent presidents

Beelzebubba, perhaps Sweatman that is the person who keeps saying the Earth is flat could give some evidence for this. my suggestion is pick any direction east west north south and just keep walking if you fall off you are correct. And if you don't fall off seven-come-eleven you would never admit it.

TheInfidel2018, m

of course they only investigated REPUBLICAN wrongdoing, as if anyone could believe Democrats were innocent

Player #6723658
2gameORnot2game4mE, Living in the fox breitbart right wing echo box does not serve any American well. Trump is easily the most corrupt president in the nation's history.

Ziela1313, the year I graduated high school

the year i was born. so i knew this answer