How old was Anne Frank when she died?
Correct answer: 15

Player Say what!?
I toured her hideaway in Amsterdam. Going through the bookcase door and seeing the pictures of her favorite movie stars still tacked to the wall as she had left them was very eerie and humbling. This can never happen again!

Player #6852065
Player Say what!?, too many people try to erase the parts of history that they find offensive

I'll never have the ability to imagine what that must've been like for such a young girl. I can't believe there are or were people who thought that the Holocaust didn't happen.

the only thing new is the history you haven't learned

lily 21, i also met a Holocaust survivor, who colaborated to N.A.S.A, and helped built the Canadarm, on the U.S. space station.. he was Polish.. his name was Anthony.. he died of stage 4 stomach cancer.. he was residing in a retirement home, where i still work.. my eyes are tearing up, just thinking of him...

I buy and read all the holocaust survivor stories. it will sound dumb to some, but I feel like all of humanity was there in some aspect. not sure if that's called reincarnation or what. but it sure feels overwhelmingly familiar~

Sandi D
Player #6852065, happening right now, today. So sad. What is forgotten, is surely repeated.

Player #13671952
Sandi D, We must NEVER FORGET

i read her diary.. very touching...i cant imagine living a life like she and her family did.. incredible sadness...

Player #2233923
cooldrummer43, i read it too not once but twice. Anne comes out as a very positive girl with dreams in her eyes even while hiding. Really sad she did not survive.

Player #92723922
Some years ago, the doorman went on strike and we tenants took turns manning the doors and the building lobby. I ended up on overnight duty with 2 of my neighbors, 2 sweet, shy elderly ladies who were sisters. We talked for hours about our lives and families and became very friendly. Then they said there was something they wanted to show me. And there, in the quiet, dim lobby, in the middle of the night, they rolled up their sleeves and showed me their concentration camp tattooed numbers. I was so overcome by what they had been through and how they trusted me enough to share, that I cried. I will always remember those 2 sisters

Player #85315195
I taught 8th graders The Diary.. in conjunction with the History teacher teaching WWII. Then, I showed them "Shindlers List". he empathy those kids felt made several of them paint a pic, write a poem, I received a lovely chalk drawing of my students' interpretation of Anne and a letter from a parent who said it changed her daughters outlook of life in general.

I an watching the film on TV at this very moment. she was very positive bless her but it it unimaginable what she and her family felt

The Holocaust denial movement began shortly after the end of WWII, and was spearheaded in the US by American Nazis Francis Yockey and William Rockwell. It is antisemitism cloaked in conspiracy.

Player Say what!?, yes! I toured it as well! heart breaking for me.

Sandi D, Still happening, to many people.

cooldrummer43, I worked with my boss's father who escaped the Holocaust as a child with his older sister. Unfortunately, his parents and other siblings were murdered in the consecration camps. I couldn't listen to his story without crying. We also had an older woman who attended our church who was released from a camp. She had a tattoo on her wrist that was a number. What people went through is absolutely evil!

Globular Martian
DiamondGirl98. People who say that the Holocaust never happened are denying the truth of History. They need to wake up and acknowledge that it's happening again, only this time in different countries.

Robert Eaton
there north Ireland, and numerous places in Africa. in fact all over the world

Player #25874027, That's a truly offensive comment.

Player #6852065, yes , that is unfortunate and sad. We need to learn from these hate filled atrocities, and never repeat them!

My senior high school put on the play of the diary of Anne Frank. It educated a lot of people who were not aware of what had happened.

Guillermo Jr., especially noted in Nobel prize winners

Player #6852065, she didn't say or mean erase it from History!

Player #6852065, not erase it, just never repeat it

Republic of China
If only Anne Frank and her ancestors were not Jews, we would get to see their life proper and we would know much more about Anne Frank but Nazi Germany is like they preferred to be on Santa Claus naughty list

and see now what happens in palestine but the world is so quiet

Player #7817990, few Germans of today have any knowledge at all of the holocaust at all because it simply is not mentioned in though it never happened.

Swampy Acres
Player #6852065, I think "player say what" was talking about the Holocaust itself.

Listening to the history & seeing the numbers on the inner wrist of a friend's mother made me realize just how horrible it was.

Recognizing the facts of the Holocaust are ONE EXCEPTIONAL way to hopefully NEVER happen again!

I visited bergen-belsen whilst in Germany and I couldn't walk through the gates my legs turned to jelly. There is an awful depressing atmosphere Torturing innocent children and adults😥

Player #50531971
Player Say what!?, Rwanda, Cambodia, Bosnia, Palestine, Darfur, Yemen, there are no end of places it has happened/is happening since WWII.

Sunne Draca
Her father, Otto Frank, received her diary from one of their helpers. He did extensive work to add clarification writing and edit the diary for publication. It was declined numerous times.
Afterwards he was diligent in taking groups to court that tried to claim it was a false document, created the organization to preserve the annex building, and continued to share more passages from the diary.

They call me Trinity
Player Say what!?, Still happening in Russia.

DiamondGirl98, we must never forget...ever

lest we forget, may we learn from history 🙏🏽

Player #36879742
the house in Amsterdam is creepy when you realize what happened there

Sully Girl
Jew for Yeshua, so true, so sad, you know the saying the more things change the more they stay the same. Denial is a mechanism that works well for some

Guillermo Jr.
Jew for Yeshua, the Jewish people have had a disproportionately positive impact on Western culture.. despite relatively low percentage of the population