What color badges did Jews wear in concentration camps after the German invasion of Poland?
Correct answer: Yellow

UnopposedYogi27101, Thank you for saying that. We are at a very worrying moment in our history when all right thinking people need to speak out against this as we see racism and fear and hatred being encouraged by certain world leaders. Here in the UK we are currently fighting a right wing coup, that is not an exaggeration. Someone once said the only thing we learn from history I'd that people do not learn from history! I think it is our duty today for all of us to make sure the lessons of those evil times are never forgotten. Evil can only win when good people fail to stand up and say "No! "

Player #5621402
VividPotion6704, goodness must always prevail otherwise we are doomed. It’s important history is told to the young so these evil events aren’t repeated.

VividPotion6704, very well said! This is coming to a head and we must all stand against evil. We are our brother's (and sister's) keeper. God/dess help us be strong.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Please define the term "Right Thinking People" in extreme details. Want to make sure if I am Right or Left!

The Nazi's were tremendous losers.

Mars V
UnopposedYogi27101, And they seem to be playing this game.

Player Flamenco girl
VividPotion6704, What right wing coup are you talking about?? stop watching the BBC, reading the Guardian and taking the Huffington post seriously. Someone else said Modern education teaches children WHAT to think, not HOW to think!!

Player Flamenco girl
stashio2020, Schools and Universities are guilty of pushing liberal agendas on their students.

Player #3366575
stashio2020, you have my respect in trying to get the point across.