Which famous Scottish poet's 250th anniversary was celebrated in January 2009?

Correct answer: Robert Burns

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Incredible that he influenced so much, yet died so young in our standards!
Player #24606758
Player #24606758
Player Elf Counsel, Clearly you don't know it. Auld Lang Syne, it is called. Also it is widely misquoted as the words 'for the sake of' do not appear in the lyrics.
Player #8258475
Player #8258475
Player Elf Counsel, Auld Lang Syne. Sorry, but being a Scot I just have to correct you.
Player Turtle Rox
Player Turtle Rox
Daedalus, I had a bite 'o haggis when I was in Scotland. I should have also had wee dram of something.
Chelseablue 1971
Chelseablue 1971
Daedalus, slainte!
It is "Auld" and not "old" lang syne. Have a wee dram 'o tha water 'o life, hae a bite 'o haggis, raise a glass to a bonny poet an n'er ah better man. Slainte va!
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
Maestro13, And the whole English speaking world knows his poem Old Lang Syne. Possibly the most widely quoted lines on New Year's Eve.