Which school of thought argues that the primary goal of human life is pleasure?
Correct answer: Hedonism

Peter Montgomery
MustangSlider, a lifestyle based on getting personal pleasure by doing whatever I like or want while but giving any care or love or good actions to others .. no thank you. it's not a right to be a selfish uncaring greedy person . greed will destroy us not bring happiness. happiness is caring for and being cared for giving and receiving actions and words of love. doing good for others brings it's own reward ... it helps our brains to produce the chemicals that create feelings of happiness of well-being of positivity ... it opens us up to receiving goodness from others instead of being a mean closed off selfish lonely person focused only on self forever unhappy

I don't believe it is selfish or harmful to enjoy life's pleasures. As long as others don't suffer by your doing so. This doesn't mean total self-absorbtion. A nice bubble bath, a bottle of wine, listening to music... these are pleasures, and do no harm. But there ARE people who consider their desires to be more important than the needs of others. That isn't really hedonism, though: it's sociopathic, narcissistic behavior. And, yes, that is bad.

Player #4263904, hey, if your definition of happiness involves being an a-hole to other people, that's your thing, but don't assume it's universal. Most people get pleasure from being good to others.

UnopposedYogi27101, The only words that you've written that I disagree with are happiness through faith. You mean belief in one of many religions, I assume. I don't accept any religion as true. Happiness is a feeling of contentment which can mean many things. Some selfish pleasures will be included, but making others happy makes for deeper happiness.

Player Bengal Mama
Stephanie.S., My grandfather was a child molester and used the bible to prove his behavior correct. Messed me up pretty good until I was thirty, also a couple of my other girl cousins. He used to sit at the table for holidays and tell us the best part of child molesting was you could keep it in the family. Forgiving the people that were unkind to you is necessary for the benefit of your own soul. He is a mountain to climb.

Player #3366575
MustangSlider, what about drug addiction. it starts out as pleasurable escape, but winds up as hell.

MustangSlider, will of course pleasure is a fine thing. But as a steady diet it will kill you.

Player #14716751
people who subscribe to that school of thought ought take a walk thru a children's cancer ward.

Phillip Ballard
MustangSlider, but after the pleasure you'll have hell to pay. put God first in your life