Which war acted as a catalyst for the rapid development of blood banks and transfusion techniques?
Correct answer: The First World War 1914-1918

Laudy Miss Claudy
He got pneumonia in 1923...to bad penicillin wasn't developed until 1928

Laudy Miss Claudy, and it was Dr. Charles Drew, an African American physician, who developed the technique of infusing plasma instead of whole blood. This improved the war time practice significantly. Ironically, Drew died after an auto accident because he was refused admission to a hospi

Laudy Miss Claudy, apologies, you were quite correct about 1928. I spoke too soon! it wasn't in general use in the UK until 1948 and it saved my life in 1953 so am very grateful!

I'm really annoyed that I have been unable to give blood for many years because I have to take anticoagulant medication, but my thanks to all of those who do give blood.

The second Boer War was the introduction of the Saline drip,but it came in just in the last few months.

Player #27643412
having had to have IVIG & iron infusions, it's so gratifying to know that these have come out of this earlier development..

Player Darius
Dan the man, true. it's volume you need not so much blood itself.

My auntie joined a religious community and my young cousin needed a transfusion but she was told not to get it because it was not allowed because one of the leaders in the 1930s said it was not allowed. Luckily it turned out ok though because right around this time the modern leaders came to more understanding and ok'd a certain part of the blood that was allowed to be transfused, just the whole blood isn't allowed. It was what she needed. So many different cultures.

Player #25874027
I am also annoyed that I can’t give blood following receipt of blood in the early 1990s

* Seshati *
CyndiWig1, so bloomin sad