The saguaro cactus blossom is the official flower of which US state?

Correct answer: Arizona

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
I'm with RushMama2112. The fact that they took down Saguaros to build that damn wall really angers me!
Player #14930287
Player #14930287
I'm going to see them asap! trip is delayed not cancelled!
stashio2020, yes it is illegal. Which is why it made me so angry that some DHS/Border Patrol goons knocked some over this past summer and there were no repercussions. I guess they're above the law. 😠
my mother had what she called a Oklahoma cactus. it had orchid like flowers that bloomed at night. you could actually watch them open. if you shined a light on the flowers they would start to close. turn off the light and they would open. after flowering a red fruit would appear. it had spike like needles on it. if you got stuck with one the puncture really hurt.
Saguaros are beautiful in bloom!! Nothing like them!!