Which Australian state capital was named in honor of a British naturalist?
Correct answer: Darwin

Player Elf Counsel
2gameORnot2game4mE, Easily, given the answers received when Americans were asked about Australia. One said... Oh yes. It's a little island off the coast of California.
And there I was, thinking I lived on a continent.

Player Teresa611
Darwin is not a state capital. Australia has six states (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia). It also has two territories (the Northern Territory (NT) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Darwin is the capital of the Northern Territory. The Northern Territory is not a state.

Player #18791717
The Northern Territory is not a state, it is a territory, as the name suggests.

little b
I've not been to Darwin

Why did this even showed up with an answer before I can finish the previous question?

Unreal Neil., No, it is still a territory.
In July 2015, members of the Council of Australian Governments unanimously agreed with then Northern Territory Chief Minister Adam Giles that the territory should become its own state by 2018.[2] This never happened.

Unreal Neil.
It has been given statehood...

Polymath, didn't know that!

I grew up there.

Player Elf Counsel, Travelling in the 70s I got sick of being asked how I spoke English so well if I came from Austria. So much better now but it was cocerted

Player #5184065, Darwin ,,,on the Arafura Sea,,

Player #6982914
Darwin is the capital of the Northern Territory, a territory not a state.