Which actress was gifted one of the most famous pearls, "La Peregrina"?
Correct answer: Elizabeth Taylor

Vbbbbhbhgh U Gfytrwe
I wonder if the slave was really given his freedom or if it’s just propaganda 🤔

Guillermo Jr.
Audrey Hepburn would have sold it to a museum and donated the proceeds

Player ninaraewln
lily 21, I'm always one for checking furniture and pockets for what my Mom taught me was "found" money which paid for several incidentals.

Player Number1Explor
Player #25874027, It could have been opened as food .

Player #25874027, ... so now mollusks are victims too? 🙄

Queen Elizabeth I coveted it, too. It had been a gift to her sister Mary from her Spanish husband. When Mary died, instead of Elizabeth getting it, her brother-in-law took it back to Spain.

well what happened to it. i dont like you hanging like this. was it found ,by who and why etc. etc.

Rewarded with freedom? She should've gotten compensation as well

Guillermo Jr., so you two were close?

Bought by Richard Burton in 1969. Sold at Christie's in 2011.

Unali 58, I remember it being like 36 carats and the size of a small egg.

Avenida Delmesa, vitamin B12

Sonicgirl, 😳really?

i don't know so what I can do 🤨?

Chilled Tea
Mary I of England had the peregrina and married Philip of Spain, who at the end didn’t love her when she loved him.

* Seshati *
Maxaroosmems23, I completely agree

Player #16072041
Coco Martin

Ms. Margaret, funny 😊

Cha Cha
Maxaroosmems23, My thoughts exactly....

Mo B. Richard, p

Player #2464406
Hoolie, condoms

Player #3906185
MeltinJohn, trust him till there is evidence not to!

Player #Aries
lily 21, no way 😯

Player #4267149
craftmaker76, vomit

Player #96919
Sonicgirl, was Frankie in there too?

lily 21, I checked my boyfriends jacket and found a packet of johnnys.

Player #113165
Player #2879470, mean comment must be one yourself