What number president of the USA is President Trump?
Correct answer: 45

Player #7084804, he is one of the most disastrous business men who has lost over $1.8 BILLION

Laudy Miss Claudy
Player Meyer, and yet Trump, the consummate criminal, still believes that he has to resort to bribery and extortion in order to win the 2020 election. At least he will be forever remembered in the history books as the 3rd US president that was impeached.

Player #25874027
Player #7084804,
Actually he now owes $480 million dollars , he has only had good enough earnings in 2 of the last 15 years to pay any tax at all , and he has lost most of the money his successful businessman father left him .
Fake businessman, fake President

Player #7084804
The Tumpmiester is the first President who is neither a Politician, or a Military Man.
He's a business Man, 😄

If any other country in the world wants to complain about a bad neighbour, just remember here in Canada we have the worst neighbour of them all.

Was! Was!!! The crucial word is "was", not "is". Hurrah.

Everyone must vote! action speaks louder than words

Player #25874027
He lost the people’s vote .
The Colleges messed up

That selfish, self centered, criminal was the worst prez the US 🇺🇸 ever had. He did nothing but take care of his own interests. Hope the US will not make that mistake again. You guys have a lot to loose...

currently out on bail in four jurisdictions. unbelievable!

space cowboy
since he's become the 47th he's done his best to make america the laughing stock of the world

And yet, the American public have voted him in a second time. Madness!

And unfortunately the culprit is te 47th as well

Miss Sue
Bluemoon7, Jimmy Carter starved the men and their families while they were in the Navy. My son has heart problems because I was mal nourished while he was in office.

America will have presidents they like and dislike but the people voted… the president that I liked the best was Jimmy Carter.. people did not like him. But as a person he was honest, compassionate and did so much for the country after he left office.. this is a quality that makes a president.. not the candidates of today

Just me
bcolliemom, Nope. Needs to go to prison.

Player #7084804, and a very bad one.

President of the Devided States of Embarrassment. lock him up

I don't understand the American way of voting for someone to vote for you, that's like handing a huge amount of money to a complete stranger and trusting that they will indeed pay it in to YOUR bank account. The UK voting system is far from perfect, but at least we do know who we have voted for.

draco, no, more people voted for Hillary Clinton...it was the disastrous electoral college that bought his seat.

DSDA, It's not the people, it's their LEADER!