Which vegetable is in the picture?
Correct answer: Romanesco broccoli

Bogle Otter
The Fibonacci sequence explains the beautiful shapes in this and loads of other natural phenomena..shells, plants, galaxies even..amazing mathematician!

I was introduced to Romanescu through my CSA farm box. Every time I receive it I take pictures of it, such a fractal vegetable! It is great roasted or steamed, much like cauliflower.

So beautiful.....Also, when I dropped acid our lawn looked exactly like this. Amazing.

Player #17850449
My finger slipped. I hate that when I know the right answer.

Player JAZ00
I love growing broccoli and cauliflower wonder if this likes the same climate and how I could get some

VelourBanjoPlayer141, it's delicious but hard to find in Arkansas. I have had it in a frozen mix and loved it.

Player #4377616, probably online they have it in the grocery stores in Florida

Player #10639782
cool pic

never had it! looks good though.

looks like a fractal pattern!

Mars V
It’s fractalicious!

Barb@70, Mathematics is simply a language used to describe the world around us.
Thus the link to Nature is both beautiful and inevitable!

Bogle Otter, does anyone remember the show called Touch? A young autistic boy was fascinated with the Fibonacci sequence. Kiefer Sutherland was on it too. Unfortunately the writers couldn't keep up. It only lasted three seasons. It was a pretty good show.

Player #17850449, My cat frequently desires attention when he thinks I've played too long.

Bogle Otter, Who would've thought Mathematics and Nature perfection

not just tasty but pretty as well

ma ma Queen
of course, it's cool... i thought it was a napa cabbage or kolrabi

I knew the answer cuz of the TV show Numb3rs. It’s about a mathematician who helps his FBI brother solve crimes. If you’ve never seen it, you should check it out. Stars Rob Morrow, David Krumholtz and Judd Hirsch.

Though it's rarely to this vegetable coz it's my first time to see this plant 😄😄

sandboxhippie, yup! 🥦🙂

Player #3093136
never seen these before. looks like alien food.

Player #2512936
Player JAZ00, Try it! If it is related it should Grow Well.

Knew this answer thanks to an episode of Chopped.

Player #5849975
It’s a little bitter and very good for weight loss😊

They are really good for health, as well as all kinds of broccoli. 😋🥦

millwallmarty, me either I lead a sheltered life

Jaydee, that is where I found it frozen.

VelourBanjoPlayer141, Lidl n Aldi sell them

It's awesome with chiitake mushrooms and squid