What was a man who places particular importance upon physical appearance called in 19th century?
Correct answer: Dandy

Dandy also means good.

Player Cosmo Chic, Hey, thanks for that "panty waist" expression - it's one my maternal Grandpa Gordon (last name) used frequently to describe guys he considered less than "acceptable" for whatever reason. Sometimes it was justified & sometimes not. Grandpa wasn't always the picture of "political correctness", but he was good to me & I loved him - God rest his soul - thanks again for the memory, my friend.

Player #97184361
The question never expected that answer the short limited way it was expressed. just saying. ! ! !

toothless beachrat
Let's not forget the song " Jim Dandy to the rescue".

PureFunGamer, that's very modern

No mention of Beau Brummell?