Which disorder is characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication?

Correct answer: Autism

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What people think about it: 15 Comments
Player #4772
Player #4772
@ LyingPresident80996 I have a son with Autism that has none of these "factors". No one else in either of our families has it. And it isn't caused by immunizations. Stop spouting non-information.
Player #3532789
Player #3532789
NefariousResident6, My lovely, loving husband has it. He is the sweetest, kindest, cleverest person I know. He has two degrees, speaks five languages and I adore him!!!!
Player #9442102
Player #9442102
Player #3532789, when I worked in a store this very patient father would bring his young son shopping. The boy was easily distracted and did not communicate well. But I always would say hello and he seemed to know me. His father was friendly and was very patient with his son explaining things to him.
Player #9043571
Player #9043571
Tinadenise50, my middle son is autistic and my eldest has autistic traits
my two Teenage Children Sophia and Louranzo Jr are Autistic
Player #9043571, my middle son is autistic and my eldest son has autistic traits. my youngest son suffers from anxiety and depression and I have an anxiety disorder. I wouldn't swap my family for anything. it's been hard work but all 3 are now at university and doing really well. .
Player Bengal Mama
Player Bengal Mama
Player #4772, Some people think that autism and immunization is linked because the symptoms of autism begin to really show at about the same time the baby is immunized. This is leaving a generation of children open to contagious diseases because their parents are afraid. Those poor children are helpless targets to germ warfare. I'm old enough to remember polio and measles, mumps whooping cough. Lots of children were paralyzed or blinded by measles or mumps.
Tara Tippy.
Tara Tippy.
We are the kindest you'll ever meet.
Dee1, my friends son has this ryes Dempsey Mary his mother 👩
my friends son has this Ryes Dempsey Mary his mother 👩
My youngest son is Autistic
Border Cat
Border Cat
My oldest son has Asperger's Syndrome. It is genetic.
I used to work with individuals with intellectual disabilities. Although people with autism famously do not like being touched, this fellow would present his head to me so I could stroke his hair. And then he would hug me.
Player #2218490
Player #2218490
three of these are possible answers
Player #3532789, wow, very clever!! 👏🏻