What peculiarity is "Amorphophallus titanum", or the corpse flower, known for?
Correct answer: The smelliest flower on Earth

guess you wouldn't want to send that plant to the funeral home...bad for business.

we have one in Rochester NY Highland Park.they make an event of it..totally true smell

gross. can you imagine a garden full of them😝

Hi can someone please tell me what advantage opening up the map gives and also opening up the exit? I can't seem to find any, other than knowing they are there?

curious flower...

Player #10639782
🤣I agree. the word corpse told me it had to be a bad smelling plant.

How does this flower know that meat is red? Nature is amazing

Rafflesia arnoldii, commonly called the corpse lily or stinking corpse lily, is a species of flowering plant in the parasitic genus Rafflesia. It is noted for producing the largest individual flower on Earth

Player #66817220
eatmoreveggies1, why do I suddenly want to see (and smell) that?

When I lived in Rochester on Medway, there was a big Garden with two of those lovely plants , very exotic.

think saw it in the jungles of Indonesia

Player #96890951
eatmoreveggies1, Should be a Good Deterrent to keep certain UNDESIRABLES away !

Chookbabe, Absolutely none other than just something to look at
Odd game!

Gary, Bad for business wherever you'd send it! Although would love to witness it, you'd have to wait a long time.

Chookbabe, I have found that they don’t do anything so I don’t watch ad to double down on them😎

that photographer must have worn a mask...

Wannabe Vulcan
Davy, Livingston, "Feed me, Seymour!"

Wannabe Vulcan
Jo, its ancestors that happened to be the reddest attracted the most flies and were pollinated the most, so the reddest shades predominated. Natural selection.

Wannabe Vulcan
Gary, might put a damper on Valentines Day, too.

eatmoreveggies1, actually NUPE don't want to LOL 😀

Christine ~ RN
Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh has one as well. Whenever I see one, I see an upside down ballerina!

Tina M.
Chookbabe, I totally agree with you!! Seems senseless to me.

My neighbor in Naples, FL grew one. I got to smell it once it bloomed. Incredible flower, horrific smell!

Chookbabe, opening the map lets you answer the questions in the order you want and pick your favorite categories. That's about it.

They have one in the Berkeley Botanical Gardens in CA. I saw it towards the end of it's cycle. It is also one of the largest blooms in the plant family. I'm not, sure how long,. but the plant only produces a flower every few years .. maybe as long as every decade. not positive on the true cycle, though.

Player #54731451, not sure it was the same one as no one complained about the smell but he did have one which bloomed every 50 years or something for like 1 minute which he missed due to Dennis' being a menace and all.

Shelby Johnson
Chookbabe, it helps complete certain missions. Other that those 2 answers, they really have no real purpose in the game.

Player #45505475
Smelled one at Longwood Gardens, smells like death.

well it's name should give it away, corpse flower!

There's one in Dunedin, NZ 😊

MadMarcus1812, they do grow in the Uk you have one in your Botanical Gardens. It was advertised in world media when it boomed.

Player #25874027
I believe once the exit tile is revealed the points per question is increased but I’m just repeating what others have said here

Buffalo Bills Fan
butterfly, We have one right down the thruway in Buffalo too.

Player #32129429
Chookbabe, I've been wanting to know the same thing.

Perhaps stinkiest rather than smelliest...

Player #1240373
Why am I holding my nose! 😤😤