What node controls the heart's tempo?
Correct answer: Sinoatrial

The Heart runs on the three elements , they are electrical, mechanical and chemical!

Laudy Miss Claudy
When the SA node fires off it's electrical impulse in the heart it produces a blip on an EKG strip. Because the SA node dischages at regular intervals it is called the "Pacemaker" and that first blip on the EKG is called the "P wave".

The "atrial" ending was a clue for me. Like in atrial fibrillation.

* Seshati *
Syn, wow 😮 good to know

I guessed because they call it “sinus rhythm.”

Schmorl was very quaint - schmirl, schmerl - sounds all a bit like yiddish...

Phil C
I am playing this game as I weight for the heat Dr. My is missed fire and get back into the right place. This Question come up.

NanaQueenB6 great ga
Am not a Doctor