The Sony Ericsson W995, Samsung S5600 and the Nokia 2630 are all models of what?
Correct answer: Mobile Phones

khuram Shahzad
my first mobile is a Nokia

first cell I ever had I'm 43 I graduated from a pager 📟 🤪

Back in the day, they were the real deal for staying connected and flaunting some tech style. Respect to the classics!

Funny 🤣 they explained cell phones to people on the very same thing. lololol

People from the old days would have failed

Love those memes about Nokia phones

C o s m i c v a g e
I accidentally pressed game console

Samsung galaxy s20bts edition

Quizlover 🙆
so easy.🙃

khuram Shahzad, me too. Still working if it wasn't because of the battery haha

khuram Shahzad, so was mine as a leaving present from my head tutor so they could keep in contact with me

Atul Vashisth, not in Africa

khuram Shahzad, and your last?

Donna, true 😂

sans from undertale
that was easy

shubhangi trivedi 😘😇😇
hii to all

I love god
My first phone was iPhone 12

my first phone was a Nokia aswell

I got this one wrong

hello, keep safe all

saivno daniel, rip English 😂😂

aisyah bigboss
motorolla first used as handphone somehow wonder me because the first one was nokia

Player #28502911
these phones are so strong that the fry pans on pubg are made frm them😂

Player #27975394
pila pagle

Player #21402602
i😍like this game

saivno daniel
samsung is the best but if dar was no iphone 1 dear is no samsung 1

Player #20393614
i love my cat, hii

i love my cat
Isaac_Za_Carry, i saw you on many comment sections

Player #21546275
since i was born in the 1st half of the 2000s....i got to see these phone models

Player #16465JoeMike
beebee, Had one , the size of a shoe box,