How many queens do army ants have?
Correct answer: 1

In the beginning every colony has more than one queen in order to increase the numbers of worker ants and therefore the speed of colony development. However, colony eventually reaches the point when one Queen should stay and others should die as in the long run it compromises the survival of whole family. At this point worker ants will attack all the Queens in their colony and elect the one to stay looking at who will be last one standing. For Queen ants reproduction takes a lot of vital energy that could otherwise be used for self-defence. Thus, Queen ants figured out to produce much fewer offsprings in order to save their powers whenever other Queens are around

However, interesting thing is that actual outcome of Queen competition is random as studies show that worker ants can sense which Queen is a cheater, since the Queen that is more devoted ( bears more offsprings) has a stronger odor, which, on the other hand, increases the chances to be spared by killer worker ants when attack starts

I learned that from Aliens. lol

Gabriel Eve
D.G., Thank you. That was interesting and educational.

Player #13104731
they said no queen ants have no wings fire queen ants have but the queen will remove her wings and build a colony

I don't even want to think about 3 to 4 million ants a month.

Player #3418380
Player #13104731, they say army ant queens have no wings

I guess that makes all Britons army ants 😁

Pride™CrAzY aLiEn PrO
ants in my pants

Player #13495380
Hello attacked by tropical army ants in Darwin not nice stay clear