Which country's annual hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammals?
Correct answer: Canada

Player #8388704
Just heartbreaking that this slaughter still continues 🥺

Janette #10054227
I had no idea Canada was still doing this in this day and age....I am googling this right after I finish this level...😳😕

Maybe if more people were educated as to how the fur was come by they wouldn't want to wear it. If there was no demand for it, it would stop. How can they sleep at night!

tech savvy, How horrible! Those poor babies! And they do it just for their fur!!!

Player #7850667
how barbaric.

Can't believe this is still happening today. Barbaric and shocking. They should be ashamed.

truly, sickening. They need to ban it.

Fur hunting and animal hunting should be banned itry and do my bit by being vegan stop cruelty.

How could someone hurt something so cute? If this continues,that animal will become extinct,like so many others unnecessarly.

Player #34260719
Disgusting savage people leave the animals alone

My ex husband was, at one time, in charge of organising seal culls in Scotland (the Highlands) At that time the hunt was carried out using marksmen and they only culled older, adult females. People just wouldn't listen though and it was nullified because of the barbaric practices elsewhere.

I'm a 60 yr old ashamed Canadian and have known about this yearly slaughter since I was a teenager.
The only justification I'm aware of; the seals eat too many cod fish so they're protecting the fishing industry. Questionable!

luckycatfay, no need to be vegan. God did not intend man to be vegan. He gave us food to eat. But to hunt seal for their fur, barbaric indeed. I can understand the native people.

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, I was wondering if you would respond to this information. I am proud of you! This is truly outrageous and like other blood sports - bull fighting, fox hunting, dog fighting, cockfighting - should NEVER be permitted by law in any country. Hunting for food is the exception. Killing animals for their fur (and so cruelly!) for $$ is vicious, barbaric and psychopathic. Find a new profession. SHAME‼️

I thought it would be a very primitive country, not Canada, I agree should be outlawed

Janette #10054227, I don’t think it is a large as Greenland hunt. The quota is never reached and most of the hunt by Innu ppl

Disgusting and barbaric! Sadly, most countries simply consider animals to be commodities, possessing no feelings, having no rights, here for humans to do as they please with ....makes me ill. 😑

It continues because people still want seal skin. Stop the demand and the hunt will shrink or disappear entirely.

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, it will be great if someone living in the country this happens in, stand up against it.

Player #37053849
Pitchalady, what do they do with the meat?

Those aristocrat ladies are too selfish, and sealers too greedy, for this cruelty to halt...

I thought it would have to be Denmark with the barbaric way they kill dolphins in the Faroe Islands. They kill over 20,000 in a single 'hunt'. They herd the pods of mothers and calves, males too and the water turns red from all the blood..

Didn't realise it was still going on. The industry will probably have more demand on it since they have had to euthanise millions of farmed minks recently due to a SARs like scare.

check the source of this. this information is of obvious political slant. only natives perform this, and it is very sustainable.

Loren, that sucks.