Which actor is in the picture?
Correct answer: Jim Belushi

Belushi also starred in The Principal (1987), where he played a troubled principal who was demoted to a crime infested high school, pitted against the gang leader who had a run of the place. Although it was a serious rated "R" drama (for violence, etc), Belushi's character had comedic -- sometimes profanity laced-- lines throughout the movie. He owns land in southern Oregon, where he cultivates, lives, and uses the property for retreats.

I am grateful to whoever does the 'weeding out' in these responses, because I have never seen craftmaker76's comments, and rarely MuscularDemigod's, wouldn't even know of their EXISTENCE if it weren't for the complaints from others.

Player #9442102
stashio2020, there is a book about John Belushi. It was definitely drugs. He could not be stopped.Totally addicted. it was too bad because he was so talented.

Player #25874027
You can’t blame the game creator for the level of comments.
Strangely a quiz game should attract intelligent players, but if they only want to comment : a) the Earth is flat or b) I’m the first to comment, then how do you control this .
The other really irritating comments are those that just complain something is incorrect without providing reasons , or that something should be better without explaining how or why

Myles B.67459
craftmaker76, your brain is flat!

ConsequentDessert10, yes but it's getting your attention which is what he wants.

And now he lives in Oregon....woohoo!

ElixSkipper, He was also great in Curly Sue” a favorite of mine.

,Birdiemom calls it 'weeding out'. I call it CENSORING or the creator's inability or FAILURE to properly design or manage a decent 'comments' section.
That's the only real complaint I have with this game.

Nerak 7, I agree he is so funny.. come back to TV or movies.. would love it

Nerak 7
Like Jim .. miss him on TV and in movies.. he needs to be acting.. he is funny.. I liked him in the movie. Return to Me..that was a great movie ..

K9Queen , loved these some of my favorites

Oriana, type in both names in Google to get side by side pictures - the headline I read was two actors you can't tell apart. they have a whole list of them

This may as well be a trick question. The dude looks like bill Murray. I have never heard of this guy but the photo they chose looks weirdly similar to BM.

Jim Belushi is an American actor and his originated from Korça a city of 🇦🇱 Albania.

I love the "K-9" series of movies. His relationship with his K-9 partner, Jerry Lee, is funny. The movies are fun, especially for dog lovers.

smarty pants, John and Jack are the same name. Another name for Jacob is James or Jake. James in Spanish is Santiago or Diego.

smarty pants, Sorry but Jim & John are different names. It's John & Jack that are the same lol

His name is not Jim! His name is James!

* Seshati *
Loved watching him in his hey day I guess you could call it he may act now dunno haven’t really seen him in much saw a cute little film called one small hitch (I think) with his son, I I’ve seen three Belushi’s act in movies. Loved him with Bonnie Hunt in Return to Me, they were a cheeky pair with fun dynamics.

18 & above. No Kids. Has violence, nudity, or other 'Adult' content.

I met him. He and Larry, the blonde curly haired guy from According to Jim. They were on a comedy tour together and showed up in my small hometown. Played music and had drinks. Jim was more reserved, Larry or Andy from the tv show was more talkative. Cool thing is Jim and I did sing Rocky Racoon. Just having drinks and singing along together. Not a performance. Never will forget it. Was pretty damn cool. Big Top Chautauqua. Bayfield, Wi.

comynei, he does? Cool.

It is also used as a way to brainwash people!