Where does the common housefly typically lay its eggs?
Correct answer: In food waste

Greyghost 68
Behind the refrigerator? LOL!

anyone who seen maggots in their garbage should know that. flies are nasty bugs.

Player #27643412
Shellback, if there properly cultivated medical maggots, saw a video on it years ago, they used it clean out a gangrenous would..

Could even be behind the cooker. Lol. 🤣.

As soon as I seen the picture of the fly l thought of the movie the fly with Jeff goldblum

telly Sevalas was great as Maggot in the Dirty Dozen

Player #2512936
Greyghost 68, At a company I used to Work for, we Had crickets behind The refrigerator! They actually stayed there with us when we moved!

Maggots are our buddies,!