For which Sweden-born actress/singer did Elvis Presley purchase a round, hot pink bed as a gift?

Correct answer: Ann-Margret

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What people think about it: 16 Comments
Player. Lois
Player. Lois
Lucky me ....Got to meet him at Graceland in Oct 74...was dating Charlie Hodge
Player #2618149
Player #2618149
ProofDervish6, Viva Las Vega ❤️💙
I'll bet he loved Ann Margret long time
Player #15121014
Player #15121014
JSSmal270, The birth of your first child, is an experience few people are prepared for the flood of emotions they may feel. He probably called Wood, who must have been a close friend, to express those feelings. Although he appeared to be somewhat macho on the outside, many of his actions showed a tender and kind man within.
Scottish Fraulein, the question says reported by Ann herself in her own book...
I read in her autobiography that there was no hanky panky going on there. Yes, they did love each other, but, couldn't get together because of their jobs they loved doing. I like that red head also! 😋
beebee, I think they were in a movie together so I got it right.
sizeable satellite
sizeable satellite
Poor Pricilla.
Player #15121014
Player #15121014
Slipkid, Wonder why they did not marry. He had already met, the woman he eventually married, prior to his affair with Margaret.
Nerak 7
Nerak 7
I really think he loved both Priscilla and Ann at the same time .. both are beautiful.. and they both know that.. after he split from Priscilla he just did not love the same it was just someone to be around.. his manager was his downfall.
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
Ann Margrock.
Player #18518094
Player #18518094
MathematicalDragon11, well if course he did, gotta make sure its comfy and broken in 😉
Player #18858828
Player #18858828
JSSmal270, ...because Natalie WOOD not!! lol
stashio2020, There is always soneone to spoil it...and here is one.
NorsePixie7160, He broke manyhearts of girls who never even met him...I was one of them.
beebee, I didnt know he was that close to her!!