What is the name of the face used by the humor magazine "MAD" as mascot and icon?
Correct answer: Alfred E. Neuman

I'll bet my brother & I had all 500+ issues. Whichever one of us got to the newest issue had to guard it from the other until he/she was done with it. We used a lot of that crazy humor with friends. Then his basement flooded & they were all gone. But hey, "What, me worry?". Thanks for some warm memories.

I bought the MAD board game and it's as fun and funny as the magazine, I still have it

Always thought he looked just like David Letterman or Letterman looked like him. Who ever came first. IJS

I thought the character was modeled after Howdy Doody!

I always loved Spy vs Spy

Redeemed 2001, slightly politically subversive, and so blunt and to the point it was hilarious.

Loved the caractures!

Redeemed 2001
I read it alot when I was a kid. my parents said it was communist

Hoplea, I think they showed a photo of David reading a Mad once. In the letters section.

made a bust of him as a middle school art project. got an A and went to the head of the class!

I never knew his name! This is why I love this game.

Wrote for them -- great bunch.

Guillermo Jr.
Alfred looks like my Uncle Kevin.. poor guy!

Player #25619468
I got the paper 45 record out of the mag. The title was "It's a Gas". Does anyone remember that ? Charli

Player #13023389
I used to read the magazine religiously. I enjoyed the heck out of it. Debby

he looks a lot like my uncle Kevin

Player #3026751
This is one character that David Letterman looks just like. 😬ijs

I thought it went out of business.

Player #9914179
Player #7106191, how about spy vs spy. loved it!