By what name are Qumran Caves Scrolls also known?

Correct answer: Dead Sea Scrolls

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What people think about it: 26 Comments
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Scottish Fraulein, if I got the word of God given to ‘man’ & wrote it down or if I spoke to God & told others what God had said, well I would be called a loony. I really love the good faith has done for so many especially in times of need, but in my opinion as we are humans with many faults it’s done us a great disservice many a time. I choose to let & let live as long as we treat each other respectfully I see no problem with another persons beliefs.
It amazes me how religious/zealous folks don't give these any formal credence at all. Just because they aren't in the Bible, they aren't considered as the words of "God." *Good Christians* are SOME of the most intolerant and judgemental folks I have ever met. The Bible is NOT the only "religious" compulation of books on the planet
religion has caused more wars than any other reason. if people truly believed in God they would know that peace, tolerance and unity is the true word.
It's hard to believe they're touching it with their bare hands! Conservators always use white cotton gloves.
Uninitialized, Agreed! The Bible is the word of God throughout the ages. Even if words were changed or some books are not accepted by the official church, the True word of God speaks to every person's heart when they read the Bible with good will.
Player #1137636
Player #1137636
And they just found a NEW one about a week ago!! I've never been one to trust any one organized religion (or government or institution) fully. Yet, I am excited for others and archaeology on this amazing find!
Maui Girl
Maui Girl
craftmaker76, ENOUGH ALREADY
Excuse the Kuz
Excuse the Kuz
Jesus was Jewish. I bet that bothers some religious folks. Too bad, but that's what was written. The Jewish people are a wonderful race.
Christian67, uinialized, at,the steak,?
Big M
Big M
Uninitialized, Wow! You won't be "righting" any books!
Celadon, it’s a reproduction not the original pay attention to the picture!!!
Player #97184361
Player #97184361
meldawg, That’s only one person views, so practise tolerance.
I knew that but my trigger finger went rogue
I've seen photos of The Dead. Sea Scrolls and read that some were written before Jesus and some during the time he was on earth. The archeologists are still finding scrolls in the area. They hid them so the Roman's wouldn't destroy them.
PapsGaming, thank you 🙂
Uninitialized, 'at the steak'?
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
I thought that was the world’s longest Christmas cracker joke
PapsGaming, yes
Research on the book of Enoch and Sumerian civilization.
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Live & let live (typo correct to comment just made) .. sometimes it seems the messenger is confused wth the message.
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
millwallmarty, man oh man 100% agreed.
millwallmarty, you righ anyone can right a book but ask youself can any book survive what the bible has, just a over 300years ago if you owned a bible in this country Britain you would have been burned at the steak WHY because the clergy at that time didn't want the laity to know what was recorded so yes anyone can right a book but not just anyone wrote the bible
Player #4427844
Player #4427844
why do you put that on there that is a question replied back later
Player #4427844
Player #4427844
play this game so much I get tired of it
Player Cosmo Chic, Not only archaeologic evidence. Relatively recently discovered scientific, facts are illustrated throughout the bible
millwallmarty, they were not books but letters, orations, proverbs and so forth. They were not written by an individual or even a race. They were written by kings and paupers across many lands