Voynich manuscript is written in which language?
Correct answer: Unknown writing system

if it's not been able to be read yet how do they know it goes from left to right?

They believe that they have finally cracked it in 2019. They have not deciphered the entire book yet but have successfully deciphered pages. If I remember correctly it was written by a nun in an obscure dialect and concerns herbal remedies.

Sandyberry, if it’s written in ink you can tell which way you’re pen is moving on the page as they’ll be slightly more in on the tail end of the word

Player #25874027
If this is a completely incomprehensible document , it’s probably an instruction manual written by men for other men on how to use a washing machine.
Just give it to a woman , she’ll sort it straight off

lily 21, Just recently, in 2019, there was a breakthrough on this manuscript. It was apparently written by a nun and contains medicinal and herbal information. Still not fully translated but they have deciphered pages.

Player #10639782
call Indiana Jones. he'll know😄

lily 21, I recently read a Catherine Coulter book that featured this manuscript as part of the plot but very interesting!

Fascinating! I've never heard of it. Will definitely look more.

lily 21, The manuscript has been studied by many. One remarkable aspect about it... in spite of it being hand-written, there no errors, no erasures, no mistakes. YouTube has many videos on it.

I think it was a practical joke from a 14th renaissance genius;
same as if I write a book full of meaningless symbols with some shape drawings and stuff...then 5 centuries later they found it and think it has the secrets of the universe...
Organized doodles :)

like the Rosetta stone

As an autistic person I feel like if you put a few autistic people together we could solve it

Player #120374466
Sandyberry, Capitalized letters at the beginning of the sentences?

Oooo ... I like a challenge. Let me at it!

Egyptologist Dr. Ranier Hannig has deciphered the Voynich Manuscript, and identified the language as Hebrew.

Hi! If the text were written left to right, the left-hand margin on the page would be even (or straight). If it were written right to left, the right-hand margin would be even (or straight). Hope that helped.

Sandyberry, exactly what I was thinking

Potatoe Joe
Apparently, it still hasn't been cracked. The theory proposed in 2019 supposedly falls to the same circular fallacy as others before it by using its own assumptions to support itself. I don't know. I'd never even heard of this before, I just went and researched it out of curiosity. That's what I love about this game, I either know the answer or learn it.

Sandyberry, how do they know it's not gibberish?

Sandyberry, if you have a look at letters leaning to the right side.


Player #25874027, silly it's telling men what they need to know about women. we are a mystery and so is the book

And the main reason why it's a unknown language system is because it hails from another planet within our own universe. Either from the planet Vulcan or even further out, such as the two Romulan capital planets of Romulus and Remus...

Mars V
I’ve gotten to the point in this game where 95% of the questions are unanswerable. Good thing they give you lots of coins. Someone is having a great time asking ridiculous questions.

Player #10639782, better yet call professor Langdon from the Dan Brown books. professor Langdon knows symbology. he'll figure it out.

know nothing
why not give it to AI to decipher?

Sandyberry, good point 😂

Player #45303196, unlike these comments!🤣

is there any literature or data tou could pass on about this particular subject?I'm very interesting in learning about these thing

Spectraaus, you don't know how often they dipped their feather pen ad ink or be lost in thought or maybe their fireplace was warmer at certain times a day so the ink dried faster.

Sandyberry, laugh out loud that is a really smart observation. I appreciate people will think out of the box. Or I should just say You have common sense. I just assumed it will be left to right but then I remember that in Asia they read right to left so thank you for enlightening me God bless.

UnderwaterAlly15205, 'twould be cool if so.

Sandyberry, That is hilarious!!!!

Player #75790513
UnderwaterAlly15205, impressive

Sandyberry, you dont have ti read it to know that its written from left to write. for instance Arabic is written from left to write, you can realize it once u saw it as its common sense

Joyous one
Sandyberry, probably the same way you can see indentations of paragraphs from comments from players in here.

Sandyberry, I mean if a sentence ends it leaves the space

Katy Jo
Player #45303196, The person who wrote it! During the Spainish Equitation 30,000 known women killed as witches! Most for Herb lore!

Player #38618593
Player #25874027,
Oh, so funny!
Although I learn so much from this game, the BEST PART is the hilarious comments from the players!

Ng Heng Chong
Player #25874027, ure really funny! LOL