In the "Book of Revelation" how many 'Horsemen of the Apocalypse' were there?
Correct answer: Four

I don't care that others believe this. I just have an issue with those who are trying to make it come about. We have enough trouble without zealots pushing their theology. I mean, I may believe in Ragnarok but I'm not calling Fenrir to come out and play. 😁

can't wait for Him to come back!

noob saibot
Knew this from the Metallica song

don't care to meet them up close

RushMama2112, Here here! Geri and Frekki salute you!!

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
i thought 6

Player #14000764
Goodbye Moonmen, Don't want the world to end, just the badness. A loving and caring God that took eons to create the earth, made it to be inhabited, with people that has the ability to do good.The choice is up to each person. The Bible if studied tells about God laws, qualities, for our benefit.

Goodbye Moonmen
Wow! Everyone all of a sudden wants the world to end. Is this what it's like to recruit zealots to become suicide bombers? Can it really be this easy?

RuggedReliance1, explain yourself.