While typically the color orange, which additional colors could carrots be?
Correct answer: Purple, black, red, white and yellow

Laudy Miss Claudy
OK. That picture of the "baby carrot" is just too cute!

Player #10922137
I love carrots

Player #25874027
I think carrots were originally purple and the other colours have been created

bear allary
first 2 options are the same just different order

Tina M., they're all different on my screen

Player #25874027, I heard the original colour was white and the other colours have been brought about by dyeing

Tina M.
DarkestHomogeneity3, Actually allary is correct, that 2 of the options are the same. On my screen it shows as the first and third options being the same. They just mixed the order of the colors.

Player #25874027, the English created orange carrot to honour William Prince of Orange when he was offered the British throne to keep Protestant monarch on throne

Player #83925953
A picture of a baby carrot hugging its mamma is TOO cute for words. Ah,ah, ah!!!

Player #31753367
Did Holland develop and produce the Orange Carrot 🥕 for a political reason?

bear allary, no, one has green, two has blue. the others are the same.

Did someone carved those carrots? It looks like mommy and baby carrots😀

Player #27245856
Green Machine, so did my dog! She did it gently by pawing at the ground. So cute!

Ministry of Information: 🥕 help you see in the dark.

Player #3366575
what's up doc?