In which American TV series does Sergeant Baracus appear?

Correct answer: The A Team

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
loved this show! the verbal exchanges between BA and Murdock were hilarious! those two made the show!
Player #9661418
Player #9661418
Diver Dan, it was a comedy. if parents get off social media and start paying attention to their children maybe we wouldn't have gun violence with the horrific consequences that is no joke.
Graham Y.N.W.A.  JFT
Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
This was a brilliant show growing up. but looking back. thousands of bullets fired. but I think only one fatality in the whole series. either unbelievably good shots or unbelievably bad ha ha Y.N.W.A.    JFT96
Mars V
Mars V
I pity the foo!
George P. was a big actor for a time there. He has been so many classic movies. Not sure how a guy like that ended up in a kinda silly TV show. An actors life in a series of peaks and valleys I suppose.
Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT, bad shots I would imagine, as for the one fatality, was that actual or make believe?
yes indeed, loved those bits, when he called him 'a fool', that was one of the best bits in the whole series!!
Face was always my favourite. Dirk Benedict, nice guy too by all accounts!
jsk1776, when they go by plane