The first Holy Roman Emperor is said to have had a tablecloth made of which health hazard material?
Correct answer: Asbestos

The house I grew up in had asbestos shingle siding. If you rubbed it, it would come off on your hands, like chalk. Subsequent painting has stabilized it, but removing it would be a major undertaking.

It was also used for lagging around hot water systems in well as a building material. My father is a retired plasterer - so lucky not to have suffered with asbestosis, it is an insidious disease.

asbestos is safe if it remains in situ. Removal is the dangerous part.

Horrible stuff! Expensive to get rid of and the cause of suffering in many people that were unaware of th damage it does!

Scottish Fraulein, MIRROR

Alot of places are still using asbestos but if you report it the authorities look the other way. I know because I tried reporting it and got nowhere.